SSM 2024 Katalog Produk

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Cable Tray

Efficient Cable Management Solutions

Product Features

Our cable trays offer a versatile and reliable system for organizing and supporting cables across various industries and applications.

Versatile Design

Flexible Configurations Compatible Accessories Multipurpose Applications

Robust Construction

Ensures long-term stability and safety of your cable systems.

Optimal Ventilation

Promotes heat dissipation, enhancing cable lifespan.

Common Usage

Industrial Settings

Cable trays play a pivotal role in industrial environments where the complexity of electrical systems demands robust and efficient cable management. These trays are extensively used for:

Power Distribution

They form the backbone of power distribution systems within factories and manufacturing units. Cable trays efficiently organize and route power cables, ensuring electricity reaches various machinery and equipment reliably and safely.

Control Systems

In industrial settings, where multiple control cables need to be routed and organized, cable trays provide an ideal solution. These trays facilitate the management of control cables for machinery, automation systems, and other industrial controls.

Commercial Buildings

In commercial spaces like offices and retail areas, maintaining a tidy and safe cable routing system is essential for both aesthetics and safety. Cable trays are highly beneficial in these settings by:

Organized Cable Routing

Offices and retail spaces often have numerous cables for power, data, and communication. Cable trays ensure these cables are neatly organized, preventing clutter and reducing the risk of accidents caused by loose cables.

Safety Assurance

With cable trays installed, cables are elevated and protected, reducing the chances of tripping hazards or accidental damage to the wires. This is crucial in spaces frequented by employees or customers.

Infrastructure Projects

Cable trays play a pivotal role in industrial environments where the complexity of electrical systems demands robust and efficient cable management. These trays are extensively used for:

Power Distribution

They form the backbone of power distribution systems within factories and manufacturing units. Cable trays efficiently organize and route power cables, ensuring electricity reaches various machinery and equipment reliably and safely.

Control Systems

In industrial settings, where multiple control cables need to be routed and organized, cable trays provide an ideal solution. These trays facilitate the management of control cables for machinery, automation systems, and other industrial controls.


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